Topic: AS01-Diagnosis/AS01c-Molecular aberrations (cytogenetic, genetic, gene expression): UMBRELLA PROJECT: UNIFIED PLATFORM FOR A BETTER INTEGRAL EVALUATION OF MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES IN SPAIN

T. Jiménez Solas, S.M. Toribio Castelló,S. Muntión Olave, T. Gonzalez, M. Del Rey, E. Lumbreras, M. García Antúnez, I. Rodríguez Iglesias, S. González Briones, A. Avendaño Pita, F. López-Cadenas, A. Yeguas, D. Valcárcel, F. Prosper, F. Solé, M. Campelo

Leukemia Research(2023)

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Barrier chemicals are used for coating a substrate fabric surface when air-proofness or water-proofness is desired in military operations. The properties of the base fabric changes depending upon the barrier chemical employed for coating. In this study, authors selected inherently flame retardant Kevlar as base fabric and coating was done using four chemicals viz: Natural rubber (NR), Polyurethane (PU), Neoprene, and Hypalon. While NR and PU readily burn, Neoprene and Hypalon resist ignition due to the presence of chlorine atom. The resultant flame retardant properties were studied using UL-94 V and NFPA-701 methods. Although Kevlar is flame retardant in nature, it was observed that some coatings burned readily leaving behind charred base fabric.
myelodysplastic syndromes,cytogenetic,c-molecular
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