A customized electricity pricing approach that considering the gaming ability of users and the new power sales company

Energy Reports(2023)

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The prevailing customized electricity pricing methods in China primarily utilize a single power price, which is an extra service cost charged per kWh. This paper suggests a customed power pricing optimization method that takes into account not only electricity quantity (kWh), but also capacity (kVA), and considers the gaming ability of both users and the electricity retail company. Firstly, the method for determining level of the quality of power is introduced in this paper, which is based on various quality of power indices Next, an optimization model for the customized electricity pricing is suggested, which takes into account the gaming ability of both users and the new power sales company (NPSC). Lastly, this paper conducts a case study of four representative users situated in an industrial park in Chengdu, Sichuan province to demonstrate the practical application of the proposed approach. The findings indicate that the suggested approach can allocate customized electricity charges between capacity and electricity consumed by users in a rational manner, thus enhancing the efficiency of production equipment for users. (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under theCCBY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Customized electricity,The pricing method,Level of the quality of power,New electricity retail company
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