Experimental Infection of Adapted Influenza B Virus in Mice Model


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Over the years influenza B virus (IBV) contribute annual disease and can lead to serious respiratory disease among humans. More attention should be paid to the mammalian adaptive processes of B viruses and development of vaccines against current influenza. Because of preclinical trials of anti-influenza drugs are conducted mainly on mice, we developed adequate animal model using antigenically-relevant IBV strain for testing anti-influenza drugs and protective efficacy of flu vaccines. We serially passaged Victoria lineage (clade 1A) IBV 17 times in BALB/c mice. The adaptive amino acid substitutions were found in HA (T214I) and NA (D432N). By the electron microscopic examination, we showed spherical and elliptical shapes of IBV. Light microscopy showed that mouse-adapted B virus caused influenza pneumonia on day 6 post inoculation. We evaluated the illness pathogenicity, viral load and histopathological features of mouse-adapted IBV and estimated anti-influenza drugs and vaccine efficiency in vitro and in vivo. Assessment of investigational anti-influenza drug oseltamivir ethoxisuccinate and flu vaccine Ultrix® revealed effectivity against our mouse-adapted influenza B virus.
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