Crystallographic analysis of temperate ice on Rhonegletscher, Swiss Alps


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Abstract. The crystal orientation fabric (COF) was studied at an ice core that was obtained from the temperate Rhonegletscher, located in the Central Swiss Alps. Seven samples, extracted at depths between 2 and 79 m, were analysed with an automatic fabric analyser. The COF analysis revealed conspicuous four-maxima patterns of the c-axis orientations at all depths. Additional data, such as microstructural images, produced during the ice sample preparation process, were considered to interpret these patterns. Furthermore, repeated high-precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveying allowed the local glacier flow direction to be determined. The relative movements of the individual surveying points indicated horizontal compressive stresses parallel to the glacier flow. Finally, numerical modelling of the ice flow permitted to estimate the local stress distribution. An integrated analysis of all the data sets provided an explanation for the observed four-maximum patterns in the COF. The average azimuths and colatitudes of the c-axes of the individual core samples align with the compressive stress directions obtained from numerical modelling. The clustering of the c-axes in four maxima surrounding the predominant compressive stress direction is most likely the result of a fast migration recrystallisation in combination with the presence of significant shear stresses. This interpretation is supported by air bubble analysis of the LASM images. Our results indicate that COF studies, which were so far predominantly performed at cold ice samples from the polar regions, can also provide valuable insights on the stress and strain distribution within temperate glaciers.
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