Scaling of Measure Fluctuations on a Flapping Flag Device in the Open Channel Around a Cylinder At $Re=10^4$ : Taylor's Law Approach


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Experimental evidence showed how various complex systems, characterized by a fluctuation scaling, satisfy the well-known Taylor's law. The present work aims to apply for the first time Taylor's law, given its general treatment, for a flow field at $Re$ around $10^4$, since activity of each fluid particle is highly fluctuating, especially in the context of vortex shedding. In addition, the further element of innovation is the use of an innovative thin-films based device consisting of an elastic piezoelectric flapping flag that is proposed as a measuring instrument of the flow field. The oscillations of the flapping flag, due to the vortexes release downstream to an obstacle of cylindrical shape, generate an alternating piezoelectric voltage whose time history is similar to the chaotic components of the fully developed turbulent speed. Preliminary experimental results about the use of thin-films based device in a flume channel are reported together with a second order analysis on the voltage difference and a scaling law of the exponent scale.
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