A Smart City Application: Waste Collection System with LoRaWAN Network for Providing Green Environment, Cost Effective and Low Power Consumption Solutions.

Erol Aktay,Nursel Yalçın


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Abstract The trend towards cities and urbanization, which increases the number of people living in urban areas, makes it necessary for local authorities to be more efficient and effective in providing services and natural resources and to develop some strategies for a sustainable environment. The more effective use of resources, increasing awareness of sustainable environment, climate confidence and motivation to make cities more livable is a new concept Smart City. In this study, the proposed system supports the garbage collection of the city government and works with low budget, low energy and free radio frequencies. The IoT (Internet of Things) sensor node is assembled, and the network is set up based on LoraWan protocol to connect it to the sample garbage can and collect data. Instant data collection by this network through the Internet of Things approaches and designed using this collected data. To establish an ideal system for smart garbage collection for cities and support sustainability in cities by integrating it with city government information systems. The data received from the sensor nodes and the efficiency of the system were demonstrated for the local governments. The primary outcome of this research is how to build a practical smart city application with minimum resources and support local authorities in their daily operation. Moreover, another objective is to investigate how low-power wan communication network in 868Mhz frequency works in İstanbul- TURKEY and the best alternative for cellular networks for excellent communication in smart cities.
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