The influence of working-from-home and digital device use on sleep, physical activity, and wellbeing following COVID-19 lockdown and reopening


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The COVID-19 pandemic imposed massive changes to daily lives worldwide. While lockdowns arrived abruptly, the continuation of social-distancing measures like working from home could have longer-term influences. We longitudinally tracked lifestyle behaviors (sleep/physical activity/phone use) and mental wellbeing through lockdown and reopening in Singapore. Earlier sleep and increased physical activity benefited from offices reopening for in-person work. However, this was offset by higher stress and poorer mood. Changes were proportional to the degree of hybrid work adoption. Counter to expectation, smartphone usage did not decrease after reopening, and usage around bedtime increased marginally. Cluster analysis showed that while heavier bedtime smartphone use was associated with later sleep initiation and lower physical activity, intermediate bedtime usage was associated with more favorable wellbeing indicators. As hybrid work arrangements and expanded e-device use will likely persist during the pandemic and its aftermath, our findings could inform strategies on adapting to new societal norms.
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