Sediment Phosphorus Release in Boreal Lakes: The Role of Trophic State and Humic Substances


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Abstract Coloured lakes are often productive. While their increased productivity can be the consequence of internal recycling of phosphorus (P), the impact of humic substances on these interactions is largely unexplored. Here we elucidated the spatial variations in sediment P release by diffusion in four Finnish lakes with high trophic state. For further insights regarding possible implications of humic substances on sediment P release, we extended our analysis to lakes worldwide using data from the scientific literature. Variations in sediment P release rates (RR) in four Finnish lakes were largely explained by trophic state and mixing state of the water column. P release by diffusion was positively correlated with the iron-bound P fraction, but negatively with the organic-P fraction in surface sediment. Furthermore, the diffusive flux of P correlated positively with the RR predicted from a published model based on total P concentration (positive effect) and organic matter content (negative effect) in surface sediments. Analysis of the worldwide data confirmed the importance of humic substances in internal P recycling. While dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in water correlated positively with RR in oligotrophic lakes, the correlation was negative in lakes of higher trophic state. The implications for internal P loading and primary production, however, are not so straightforward. In a multiple-stressor world (climate change, eutrophication), response of internal P load in boreal lakes to changes in DOC is particularly unpredictable. This is because the variables relevant to internal P loading, i.e. RR and anoxic factor, may be affected in a reverse direction.
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