Women, homelessness and multiple disadvantage in Stoke-on-Trent: The need for safe places in the context of wider health and social inequalities


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This article is based on two qualitative studies related to women's experiences of homelessness and multiple disadvantage in Stoke-on-Trent (one of the 20% most 'deprived' districts in England, with higher than average rates of statutory homelessness). This research utilised a participatory approach, with collaboration between researchers from Staffordshire University's Centre for Health and Development (CHAD) and Expert Citizens C.I.C. Qualitative data collection occurred with 10 women with lived experiences of homelessness and local services (conducted by Expert Citizens) and 20 frontline workers/wider stakeholders (conducted by CHAD). For this article, we conducted thematic analysis to identify patterns across both studies. Three themes are discussed: 'So much unmet need' and revolving doors for women; the lack of safe accommodation for women and 'risky' alternatives; creating safe spaces for women and the need for longer-term investment and opportunities. There was surprise at how many women came forward for accommodation during 'Everyone In' and evolving recognition of gendered experiences of homelessness combined with other experiences. Next steps for action are discussed, highlighting the importance of partnerships and collaboration with people with lived experience. We have strong foundations to build on, and far more to be done, to improve women's experiences within Stoke-on-Trent.
homelessness,safe places,social inequalities,stoke-on-trent
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