To stand out or fit in? How perceived overqualification motivates proactive and affiliative performance


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Contributing to the literature on positive effects of overqualification, this research examines when and why perceived overqualification predicts affiliative and proactive performance at work. Integrating optimal distinctiveness theory with self-construal theory, we propose that depending on the nature of an employee's self-construal (i.e., independent, or interdependent), perceived overqualification will be associated with two opposing motivational processes-namely, differentiation and assimilation. We expect perceived overqualification to have a positive relationship with a motive for assimilation when an employee has a strong interdependent self-construal. Conversely, we expect perceived overqualification to have a positive relationship with a motive for differentiation when an employee has a strong independent self-construal. We further argue that assimilation-seeking and differentiation-seeking motives will be positively related to affiliative and proactive performance, respectively. We conducted two multi-waved and multisourced studies to test our hypotheses. In a pilot study (N = 249), we first tested our moderation hypothesis. In our main study (N = 496), we tested our overall moderated mediation model. Results from both studies reveal that perceived overqualification can trigger a need for differentiation or assimilation in employees depending on the nature of their self-construal. The differentiation-seeking motive was positively related to proactive performance, while the assimilation-seeking motive was positively related to affiliative performance. Our findings advance overqualification and motivation literatures and provide insights into talent acquisition and management.
motives, perceived overqualification, performance, self-construal
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