Preventive Effect of Biodegradable Stents On Biliary Stricture And Fibrosis After Biliary Anastomosis In A Porcine Model

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract The aim of this animal study was to evaluate the preventive effect of novel biodegradable stents (BS) on biliary stricture and fibrosis after duct-to-duct (DD) biliary anastomosis. Ten mini-pigs were allocated to the control group (n = 5) and or the stent group (n = 5). The common bile duct was exposed through surgical laparotomy, and then resected transversely. In the stent group, a 4 mm or 6 mm polydioxanone/magnesium sheath core BS was inserted according to the width of the bile duct, followed by DD biliary anastomosis. In the control group, DD biliary anastomosis was performed without BS insertion. In the stent group, stents were observed without deformity for up to four weeks in all animals. Eight weeks later, histopathologic examination revealed that the common bile duct of the anastomosis site was relatively narrower in circumference in the control group compared to the stent group. The degree of fibrosis in the control group was more marked than in the stent group (3.84 mm vs. 0.68 mm, respectively, p < 0.05). Our study showed that novel BS maintained their original shape and radial force for an adequate time and then disappeared without adverse events.
biliary stricture,biliary anastomosis,biodegradable stents
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