LeL-GNN: Learnable Edge Sampling and Line Based Graph Neural Network for Link Prediction.

IEEE Access(2023)

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Graph neural networks lose a lot of their computing power when more network layers are added. As a result, the majority of existing graph neural networks have a shallow depth of learning. Over-smoothing and information loss are two of the key issues that restrict graph neural networks from going deeper. As network depth goes up, the embeddings of all the nodes eventually converge on the same value, which separates output representations from input vectors and causes over-smoothing. Moreover, layers of graph pooling are required in a deep learning model to retrieve specified features for prediction, which results in some degree of information loss. In this research, we present a new and multi-scale approach for overcoming these constraints by using concepts from graph theory, namely learnable edge sampling and line graphs. An edge-sampling mechanism that selects a particular number of edges through a learning parameter before training reduces oversmoothing, and the issue of information loss is alleviated using a line graph technique that converts the original graph into a similar line graph. Our method of edge sampling preserves the core spectral features of the graph without affecting its fundamental structure. Our suggested technique outperforms state-of-the-art models on publicly available datasets of diverse applications while having minimal constraints and great training skills.
Edge sampling,deep graph neural networks,line graph,link prediction
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