Generic Error SDP and Generic Error CVE.

IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.(2023)

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This paper introduces a new family of CVE schemes built from generic errors (GE-CVE) and identifies a vulnerability therein. To introduce the problem, we generalize the concept of error sets beyond those defined by a metric, and use the set-theoretic difference operator to characterize when these error sets are detectable or correctable by codes. We prove the existence of a general, metric-less form of the Gilbert-Varshamov bound, and show that - like in the Hamming setting - a random code corrects a generic error set with overwhelming probability. We define the generic error SDP (GE-SDP), which is contained in the complexity class of NP-hard problems, and use its hardness to demonstrate the security of GE-CVE. We prove that these schemes are complete, sound, and zero-knowledge. Finally, we identify a vulnerability of the GE-SDP for codes defined over large extension fields and without a very high rate. We show that certain GE-CVE parameters suffer from this vulnerability, notably the restricted CVE scheme.
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