To Build 3D Indoor Navigation Application for Museum Visitors

Emerging Trends in Expert Applications and Security(2023)

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Museums are filled with abundance of rich history, culture and amazing architectural grandeur. But yet many people would much rather prefer to watch a documentary or read a book than to visit a museum. With the aim of building a 3D interactive application for museum, the visitors will get a 3D virtual tour just at the screen of their mobiles. The app will aim at creating 3D interactive map, which will allow anyone to get a personalized experience of the museum. This will not only increase the popularity of the museums but also help in circulation of knowledge as each and every person not just a visitor will be able to access the app and get a personalized tour of it. In this paper, we have created a prototype of the E3 block of Amity School of Engineering and Technology in order to show the vision we intent on creating in the form of application. For this, the use of Blender software and Unity Game Engine has been made.
3D Modelling, Blender, Unity, App development, Museum
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