Holocene history of Rio Tranquilo Glacier, Monte San Lorenzo (47°S), Central Patagonia


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<p>A well-resolved glacial chronology is crucial to compare sequences of glacial/climate events within and between regions, and thus, to unravel mechanisms underlying past climate changes. Important efforts have been made towards understanding the Holocene climate evolution of the Southern Andes; however, the timing, patterns and causes of glacial fluctuations during this period remain elusive. Advances in surface exposure dating techniques, together with the establishment of a Patagonian <sup>10</sup>Be production rate, have opened new possibilities for establishing high-resolution glacial chronologies at centennial/decadal scale. Here we present a new comprehensive Holocene moraine chronology from Mt. San Lorenzo (47&#176;S) in central Patagonia, Southern Hemisphere. Twenty-four new <sup>10</sup>Be ages, together with three published ages, indicate that the R&#237;o Tranquilo glacier approached its Holocene maximum position sometime, or possibly on multiple occasions, between 9860 &#177; 180 and 6730 &#177; 130 yr. This event(s) was followed by a sequence of slightly smaller advances at 5750 &#177; 220, 4290 &#177; 100 (?), 3490 &#177; 140, 1440 &#177; 60, between 670 &#177; 20 and 430 &#177; 20, and at 390 &#177; 10 yr ago. By comparing our results with other glacier chronologies from central and southern Patagonia, we explore the role of the Southern Westerly Winds as a pacemaker of the Holocene glacier fluctuation in southern South America.&#160;</p>
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