Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning Methods for Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide


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<p>The partitioning of ecosystem evapotranspiration and carbon dioxide fluxes into their plant and ground components is a critical research priority to better understand the water cycle and ecosystem function. Despite advances in different measurement techniques and partitioning models in the last decades, much is still unknown regarding the importance of different components of H<sub>2</sub>O and CO<sub>2 </sub>fluxes in ecosystems. In this work, we compare three partitioning methods that are based on analysis of conventional high frequency eddy-covariance (EC) data: the flux variance similarity method, the modified relaxed eddy accumulation methods, and the conditional eddy covariance method. First, we test these methods using fields experimental data, comparing them to other reference measurements for the components fluxes (gas chambers and leaf levels measurements). Subsequently, we develop a novel approach for simulating these fluxes in large eddy simulations and apply it to further probe the performance, assumptions, and relative skill of the three methods. The findings allow us to recommend partitioning best practices for their implementation, and to develop methods for the joint analyses of the various approaches.</p>
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