Non-thermal features in proton and alpha velocity distribution functions in the solar wind in the inner heliosphere


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<p>The solar wind is a highly variable, weakly collisional plasma originating from the Sun. The recent launches of PSP and Solar Orbiter have opened the way for the exploration of the innermost regions of our solar system and will greatly advance our understanding of several plasma phenomena occurring in the near-Sun environment, such as the heating and the acceleration of the solar wind.&#160;</p><p>Plasma waves and wave-particle interactions play a relevant role in such phenomena, determining significant deviations of the Velocity Distribution Function (VDF) from the Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium. These deviations retain information of the interaction of particles with the turbulent electromagnetic fields and can be identified as thermal anisotropy, or non-thermal ion beams and heavy ion differential streaming in the ion component of the solar wind. This study will cover these topics with particular reference to new in-situ data from Solar Orbiter, PSP and with observations at L1 &#160;(e.g. Wind), with a focus on the central role Alfv&#233;nic fluctuations play in the evolution of the VDF features mentioned above.</p>
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