Sensitivity of global surface moisture dynamics under changed land cover and land management


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<p>Land cover and land management changes (LCLMC) have often been highlighted as crucial regarding climate change mitigation (e.g., enhanced carbon uptake on land through afforestation), but their potential for adaptation has also been suggested (e.g., local cooling through irrigation). Regarding the latter, the effects of LCLMC on the climate remain uncertain. LCLMC can have strong implications on surface moisture fluxes and have even been linked to changes in large scale atmospheric circulation. Here, we study the effects of three LCLMC (i) global afforestation, (ii) global cropland expansion and (iii) large-scale irrigation extension on climate by employing three fully coupled Earth System Models (CESM, MPI-ESM, and EC-EARTH). Sensitivity simulations were performed under present-day conditions and extreme LCLMC, of which the effects on moisture fluxes and atmospheric circulation are investigated. We do this by first analyzing the surface moisture fluxes using monthly precipitation and evaporation data to perform a moisture convergence analysis, before performing a moisture tracking analysis with the Water Accounting Model (WAM-2 layers) , this model solves the atmospheric moisture balance and requires sub-daily data from the sensitivity experiments as an input.</p><p>Here we focus on the results from CESM, cropland expansion has shown to cause an average shift southward of the Intertropical convergence zone as well as a weakening in westerlies strength and consequent decrease in moisture transport. This causes an increase in continental moisture sources over most of the Northern Hemisphere. Afforestation, in contrast, shows an average shift northward of the Intertropical convergence zone and enhanced westerlies and moisture transport. Lastly, irrigation expansion enhances the moisture convergence over areas where irrigation is applied, causing an increase in both precipitation and evapotranspiration.</p>
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