The understandability of diagnostic criteria towards the latest version of ICD: A national participatory research for a more democratic approach in the conceptualization of the term “depressive episode” amongst service users in Greece

Fotis Vasilopoulos,Marina C. Skourteli, Vasiliki Kouroglou, Virginia E. Angelou, Penny Kalpaxi,Venetsanos Mavreas,Stelios Stylianidis

Research Square (Research Square)(2022)

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Abstract Purpose The present study was conducted in the framework of the wider international research of WHO for the revision of the ICD with regards to the understandability and relevance of the diagnostic terms of “depressive episode”. Methods Fifteen service users with a formal diagnosis of “depressive episode” were recruited from an outpatient service in Athens, Greece, and completed a questionnaire on the understandability of the diagnostic terms of “depressive episode” during a semi-structured interview. Results The results showed that most of the commonly encountered symptoms of “depressive episode” were understood, but did not necessarily reflect with accuracy the lived experience of the participants. Preliminary correlations with regards to socioeconomic and other factors emerged. Conclusion Overall, the findings aim to initiate a dialogue on the understandability of diagnostic terms, the way they impact the lives of people with a diagnosis, and possible ways of re-conceptualizing medical terminology.
depressive episode”,icd,diagnostic criteria,greece
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