The Wandering Spleen: Laparoscopic Splenectomy in a Pregnant Woman. Case Report and Review of the Literature

Lorenzo Crepaz,Alberto Di Leo, Giuseppe Borzellino, Paola Pomini,Michele Genna

Research Square (Research Square)(2022)

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Abstract Introduction: Wandering spleen (WS) is a rare condition, which is characterized by an augmented mobility of the spleen, due to congenital or acquired causes. It’s more frequent in multiparous women, but only a few cases are reported during pregnancy. WS is usually asymptomatic until the onset of ìts possible complications, and this can mislead clinicians in reaching the correct diagnosis.Case Report: We report the case of WS with acute splenic infarction in a pregnant woman and its mininvasive surgical treatment, focusing on the clinical and radiological findings that could mislead or drive clinicians to the right diagnosis, or to a potential disaster.Conclusion: Splenic preservation in WS where it’s safe and possible and is the main goal of the treatment. Clinical and radiological findings are the most relevant elements to drive surgical treatment.WS is an insidious condition, and must be included in differential diagnosis in determined cases, to reach the best and opportune treatment for the patient.
laparoscopic splenectomy,wandering spleen,pregnant woman
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