Mycorrhizal fungi reduce the photosystem damage caused by drought stress on Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis.

PloS one(2024)

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Drought stress (DS) is one of the important abiotic stresses facing cash crops today. Drought can reduce plant growth and development, inhibit photosynthesis, and thus reduce plant yield. In this experiment, we investigated the protective mechanism of AMF on plant photosynthetic system by inoculating Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis( with a clumping mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) under drought conditions. The drought environment was maintained by weighing AMF plants and non-AMF plants. The relative water content (RWC) of plant leaves was measured to determine its drought effect. DS decreased the RWC of plants, but AMF was able to increase the RWC of plants. chlorophyll a fluorescence curve measurements revealed that DS increased the OKJIP curve of plants, but AMF was able to reduce this trend, indicating that AMF increased the light absorption capacity of plants. DS also caused a decrease in plant Y(I) and Y(II). ETRI and ETRII, and increased Y(NO) and Y(NA) in plants, indicating that DS caused photosystem damage in plants. For the same host, different AMFs did not help to the same extent, but all AMFs were able to help plants reduce this damage and contribute to the increase of plant photosynthesis under normal water conditions.
mycorrhizal fungi,drought stress,photosystem damage
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