Gut Microbiota and Eating Disorders on the Extremes of Aging

Healthy ageing and longevity(2023)

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Eating disordersEating disorders (EDs) are defined by persistent disturbances in eating behaviors and affect at least 9% of the population worldwide. Over time, they place physical, psychological, and social burdens on affected individuals and increase the risk for several chronic diseases. EDsEating disorders (or “disordered eating”) may present at any ageAge, but they are most common in young adolescents and the aged population. The literature suggests that the bacteria living in the gutGut (gut microbiotaGut microbiota) are linked with EDsEating disorders. In particular, perturbations in the gutGut microbiotaGut microbiota composition (gut dysbiosisDysbiosis) and changes in metabolite production influence brainBrain health (and vice versa) via gut-brainBrain communication, which may lead to severe disturbances in eating patterns. Gut-brainBrain communication is facilitated by the vagus nerve (physical connection) and humoral molecules, including neurons/neurotransmitters, metabolites, gutGut hormones, and immune cells. This chapter aims to describe evidence of the link between the gutGut microbiotaGut microbiota and EDEating disorders prevalence at the extremes of agingAging. Understanding this link will aid in developing microbiomeMicrobiome modulators as potential treatments for EDsEating disorders in various populations.
aging,eating disorders
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