Modelling of a MIMO Non-Linear System using a Double Internal Loop Recurrent Neural Network

2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics & Digital Healthcare Technologies (REEDCON)(2023)

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A Double Internal Loop Recurrent Neural Network (DILRNN) model is proposed for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system to obtain improved output using Gradient Descent based Back Propagation Algorithm. In the modelling of DILRNN, three feedback loops are taken i.e., the first feedback is taken from the unit delay of the output to the hidden layer, the second feedback is taken from the previous value of hidden layer to itself and the last feedback is taken from the previous value of output to output. The weight is updated with the help of the algorithm after every iteration. The output of the proposed DILRNN model reduces error significantly vis-à-vis other Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models for constant value of iterations and epochs. The statistical parameters such as RMSE and TMAE for the proposed model are greatly in comparison to other models and thereby enhances the accuracy of the model.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN),Recurrent Neural Network (RNN),Back propagation algorithm,Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO),Double Internal Loop Recurrent Neural Network (DILRNN)
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