Coverage Extension for the UK Smart Meter Implementation Programme Using Mesh Connectivity


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Smart meters (SM) with wireless capabilities are one of the most meaningful applications of the Internet of Things. Standards like Zigbee have found a niche in transmitting data on energy usage to the user and the supplier wirelessly via these meters and communication hubs. There are still certain difficulties, notably in delivering wireless connectivity to meters situated in difficult-to-reach locations such as basements or deep indoors. To solve this issue, this paper investigates the usage of mesh networks at 868 MHz, particularly to increase coverage, and proposes an additional mounted antenna to significantly increase outside coverage while providing the necessary coverage extension for hard-to-reach indoor locations. Extensive measurements were made in Newbury in both suburban and open environments for validation and delivery of a simple statistical model for the 868 MHz band in United Kingdom conurbations. Results presented in this paper estimate that mesh networks at 868 MHz can accommodate large areas constituting several SMs with the proposed coverage extension method. With our findings and proposed methods on mesh connectivity, only 1% of UK premises will require mesh radios to achieve the desired coverage.
mesh,868 MHz,2.4 GHz,smart meter deployment,coverage extension
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