Semantic Segmentation Network Based on Lightweight Feature Pyramid Transformer

2022 37th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC)(2022)

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Transformer has excellent global expression ability. Recently, researchers have proposed many Transformer-based image semantic segmentation networks, and most of them have achieved considerable results. However, they ignore the multiscale modeling of the decoder, multi-scale feature representation is crucial for segmenting objects of different scales. To improve the decoder of the transformer network for semantic segmentation, we propose a lightweight feature pyramid Transformer. Specifically, an up-sampling method of feature pixel rearrangement is proposed to up-sample high-level features, and feature pyramid fusion is performed to form a rough multi-scale representation; secondly, a lightweight multi-head attention with multi-level feature fusion is proposed. The coarse multiscale features are refined, and the multi-head attention allows the model to focus on the differences between scales and learn the subspace information of each scale from each other. Therefore, a unified image semantic segmentation network is formed, which can capture contextual information at multiple feature scales with only a small increase in computational overhead. Our method is effectively validated on Cityscapes and ADE20K datasets and achieves good results.
Semantic Segmentation,Transformer,Feature Pyramid,Multi-scale Representation
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