Family caregiver Burden in Bipolar I Disorder and Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study

Dr. Jomon Joy, Dr. Krishnan. S, Dr. Jayaprakashan K. P, Dr. Anil Prabhakaran

International Journal of Indian Psychology(2018)

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Objectives: To compare the extent and pattern of caregiver burden in families of bipolar I disorder and Schizophrenia. Materials and methods: Study design: Cross sectional study with internal comparison. Study setting: The study was conducted in the psychiatry outpatient department, Government Medical College Trivandrum, India. Study period: 6 months Study population: Primary care givers, accompanying patients diagnosed as having schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder. Inclusion criteria Cases-Diagnosis of schizophrenia as per DSM IV TR criteria, Diagnosis of bipolar 1 disorder as per DSM-IV TR criteria which includes mania, depression, mixed with/without psychotic features. Patients with their minimum duration of illness 2yrs only were recruited. Only patients who on regular follow up & on maintenance medication were included. Caregiver-Living with the patient in the same environment for at least 12 months & directly involved in giving care to patient.64 caregivers of patients diagnosed with bipolar I disorder and schizophrenia was assessed using Burden Assessment Scale. Results: The study showed that the extent and pattern of burden among caregivers of schizophrenic patients were more than that among bipolar I disorder. The burden was felt more in the areas of physical health, caregiver routine, support of patient, patient behavior, caregiver strategy. Conclusion: The determinant factors that were found to influence caregiver burden in both groups were increased severity of illness, more time spent per day in caregiving.
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