Secure Model for Records Traceability in Airline Supply Chain Based on Blockchain and Machine Learning

EAI-Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing(2023)

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With the enormous amount of sensitive data generated by supply chains and with the accession of Industry 4.0, the development of airline supply chain management (SCM) strategies and the preservation of privacy have become a necessity. The implementation of robust privacy strategies allows supply chains to protect their personal data from being lost, used, or accessed in an unauthorized way. Blockchain technologies (BT) allow data to be traded transparently and to automate transactions through smart contracts. Indeed, blockchain technology is attracting more and more attention as it ensures integrity and non-repudiation. However, secure supply chain existing models neglect the complexity of the airline supply chain management (ASCM), data confidentiality, and advanced and persistent attacks (APT) which make them exposed to many vulnerabilities. In this article, we propose a blockchain-based framework suitable for the ASCM context. Thus, we will develop an efficient model based on blockchain and machine learning to authenticate, validate, and secure transactions between suppliers and legitimate users on ASCM environments. The proposed solution reduces transaction costs, enhances security level by detecting and preserving anomalies, and fosters transparency and validity of transactions.
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