Nanodiagnostics and nanomedicines for neurodegenerative disorders

Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceuticals(2023)

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Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are a diverse collection of illnesses marked by the progressive deterioration of the central nervous system (CNS) or peripheral nervous system (PNS) structures and their functions. Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease (HD), ataxia, and so on are the most commonly occurring neurodegenerative disorders, especially in older people. These are manifested by the loss of neurons and unwanted protein accumulation or intracellular form of protein aggregation. Further, gradual loss of the neurons in the brain and peripheral organs and the proteins depositions with altered physicochemical properties leads to NDs. Lack of proper diagnosis and effective treatment worsens the conditions. However, several treatment options for these disorders target acetylcholinesterase, glutamate, monoamine oxidase (MAO), pro-inflammatory cytokines, and so on. For NDs, nanomedicines can provide novel therapeutic options for conditions, such as neuroinflammation and protein misfolding, therapeutic impact monitoring, and, most importantly, brain medication delivery. Despite a better understanding of the pathophysiology of CNS diseases, early diagnosis and treatment remain unclear, with therapies currently focusing on symptoms. Further, most presently available medicines may fail due to unfavorable drug pharmacokinetics, unspecific targeting, and potential side effects. However, nanotechnology has advanced rapidly in recent decades and may hold significant potential benefits for CNS disease diagnosis and treatment. This book chapter discusses the common pathophysiology- and nanotechnology-based diagnostic and therapeutic agents that could be beneficial for treating and managing NDs.
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