Offline Software Framework for the Super Tau Charm Facility

W. H. Huang,T. Li, Q. Y. Li,H. Li,D. Liu,X. T. Huang

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2023)

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The Super Tau Charm Facility (STCF) is a high-luminosity electron-positron collider proposed to study the tau and charm physics, precisely test Standard Model (SM) and hunt for new physics beyond SM. The Offline Software of Super Tau ChARm Facility (OSCAR) is designed and developed based on SNiPER for the whole offline data processing, including detector simulation, calibration, reconstruction as well as physics analysis. Several state-of-art software and tools in the HEP community are adopted, such as the Detector Description Toolkit for High Energy Physics (DD4hep) for the consistent detector description, the plain-old-data I/O (podio) for the efficient implementation of event data model (EDM), etc. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of OSCAR, particularly the way to integrate Geant4, DD4hep and podio into SNiPER to provide the unified computing environment and platform for detector simulation, reconstruction and visualization. Now OSCAR is used to facilitate the design of STCF detectors, conduct detector performance study as well as physics potential study. OSCAR also provides a potential solution for other light-weighted HEP experiments.
offline software framework,charm
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