Working memory

Why We Forget and How To Remember Better(2023)

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Abstract Pay attention. Attention is the foundation of working memory, so there is nothing more important than paying attention if you are trying to improve your working memory. Don’t multitask! Turn off your cellphone, the television, and other distractions when you are trying to keep information in mind. Start by focusing on your sensations and keeping them in mind if you want to remember the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touches that you are experiencing. Chunk information together when needed to keep it all in mind—particularly if there are more than three or four parts. You’re going to have difficulty keeping information in mind if you are anxious or stressed. Although you don’t want to be anxious, neither do you want to be too laid back. Practicing mindfulness meditation is one way to improve your ability to consciously, actively, pay attention to what you want to.
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