Automation of a hot forge for manual and robotic operation: A review

Nagaraj Patil, Adarsha H.

INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING, ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS – 2021 (IEET-2021): Proceedings of the VII International ForumAIP Conference Proceedings(2023)

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The present paper has been written considering the robot interference in the field the mechanical forging. The robot interference in the forging is to related with the replacement of the processes which are earlier done by the human interaction. The main concepts behind the use of the robots in the forging operation is that an operator cannot be able to produce two products with the same proficiency and products have more or less differences. The robots are integrated with the automation techniques to pass the command to proceed the desired operation over the specimen. The advantages of the robotic and automation integration are to boost the production as well as the productivity in addition to enhanced the quality of the product. The forging operation is one of the best operation to improve the physical and mechanical of the material and all the product subjected to the heavy stress are preferred to manufacturing through this process only.
hot forge,automation,robotic operation,manual
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