Locally Refined B-Splines

Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local RefinementSpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences(2022)

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AbstractThe univariate minimal support B-spline basis (UMB) has been used in Computer Aided Design (CAD) since the 1970s. Freeform curves use UMB, while sculptured surfaces are represented using a tensor product of two UMBs. The coefficients of a B-spline curve and surface are respectively represented in a vector and a rectangular grid. In CAD-intersection algorithms for UMB represented objects, a divide-and-conquer strategy is often used. Refinement by knot insertion is used to split the objects intersected into objects of the same type with a smaller geometric extent. In many cases the intersection of the resulting sub-objects has simpler topology than the original problem. The sub-objects created are represented using their parents’ UMB format and deleted when the sub-problem is solved. Consequently, no global representations of the locally refined bases are needed. This is contrary to when locally refined splines are used for approximation of large point sets. As soon as a B-spline is locally refined, the regular structure of UMB objects in CAD is no longer valid. In this chapter we discuss how Locally Refined B-splines (LR B-splines) address this challenge and present the properties of LR B-splines.
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