Ada-NAV: Adaptive Trajectory Length-Based Sample Efficient Policy Learning for Robotic Navigation


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Trajectory length stands as a crucial hyperparameter within reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, significantly contributing to the sample inefficiency in robotics applications. Motivated by the pivotal role trajectory length plays in the training process, we introduce Ada-NAV, a novel adaptive trajectory length scheme designed to enhance the training sample efficiency of RL algorithms in robotic navigation tasks. Unlike traditional approaches that treat trajectory length as a fixed hyperparameter, we propose to dynamically adjust it based on the entropy of the underlying navigation policy. Interestingly, Ada-NAV can be applied to both existing on-policy and off-policy RL methods, which we demonstrate by empirically validating its efficacy on three popular RL methods: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC). We demonstrate through simulated and real-world robotic experiments that Ada-NAV outperforms conventional methods that employ constant or randomly sampled trajectory lengths. Specifically, for a fixed sample budget, Ada-NAV achieves an 18% increase in navigation success rate, a 20-38% reduction in navigation path length, and a 9.32% decrease in elevation costs. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of Ada-NAV by integrating it with the Clearpath Husky robot, illustrating its applicability in complex outdoor environments.
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