Postoperative Complications following Open Reduction and Rigid Internal Fixation of Mandibular Condylar Fracture Using the High Perimandibular Approach


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The high perimandibular approach is a feasible surgical technique for treating mandibular condylar fractures with open reduction and internal fixation, followed by fewer complications. Temporary trismus is the only postoperative complication that may occur. This study evaluated postoperative complications following open reduction and rigid internal fixation (OR-IF) of mandibular condylar fractures using the high perimandibular approach. Twenty consecutive patients undergoing OR-IF were included in this study. They included 11 male and 9 female patients, of an average age of 58.5 years, all of whom responded to a follow-up call at least 12 months after the surgery. All patients were evaluated for range of mouth opening, postoperative complications, and radiological findings. A statistical analysis of the relationship between range of mouth opening and related clinical parameters at 6 months postoperative evaluation was conducted. The fracture of the condylar neck was associated with a limited range of mouth opening and longer operation time. However, longer operation time was not associated with a limited range of mouth opening. The high perimandibular approach with OR-IF in mandibular condylar fractures is a feasible and safe technique; however, prolonged surgery and mandibular condylar neck fractures could affect the postoperative range of mouth opening.
condylar fracture,high perimandibular approach,open reduction,rigid internal fixation,mouth opening
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