Optimal scheduling of thermal-photovoltaic power generation system considering carbon emission


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Increasing the proportion of clean energy is an inevitable trend of high-quality energy development. While enjoying the benefits of clean energy, traditional fossil energy enterprises face great challenges. In this study, coal power and photovoltaic power are selected as examples for analysis. Considering coal consumption, carbon emission, unit ramp conditions and photovoltaic abandonment, a comprehensive income model containing thermal power and photovoltaic power generation is proposed. The objective function of maximizing earnings is established and solved by genetic algorithm. The results show that the overall benefit will increase if the proportion of photovoltaic does not increase blindly. The unreasonable ratio of thermal and photovoltaic power and the imbalance of supply and consumption will lead to the decline of economic benefits and the increase of coal consumption and carbon emission. In the case of a high proportion of clean energy penetration, on the one hand, traditional power plants should be responsible for ensuring the instability of electricity output when the photovoltaic is weak, on the other hand, they need to give up some of the supply proportion when clean power is at a high output state. Therefore, while increasing the proportion of clean energy, it is necessary to improve the speed of load adjustment, the depth of peak regulation and the efficiency of low load work in traditional power plants to ensure the healthy development of new energy. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under theCCBY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Optimized scheduling,Coal consumption rate,Carbon emission rate,Unit ramp,Photovoltaic abandonment rate,Peak regulating depth,Genetic algorithm
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