Smartphone Application for the Deaf and the Deaf Caring Community

Pinnus Pryandi, Muhammad Bayu Dewantara,Harco Leslie Hendric Spits Warnars,Arief Ramadhan, Nurulhuda Noordin, Fahriza Hanis Abdul Razak

2023 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)(2023)

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In life, various challenges and problems faced by deaf people such as communication skills and other problems, including emotional, mental, and societal development However, technology is needed that can help the process. This Smart Application try to build communication between the deaf to share thoughts in group chats, including getting information about the deaf, so that the communication learning process for the deaf becomes easier. The proposed model is using Unified Modeling Languages (UML) diagrams, such as case diagrams for the current proposed idea process and class diagrams for relational tables or database stores. In addition, the User interface (UI) is implemented in this research work, Personal Home Pages (PHP) as a web server programming and MySQL database as an open-source database.
Application for Deaf People,Application for Special Needs Person,Technology for Deaf People,Application for Hearing Impairment,Deaf studies
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