An Efficient Brain Tumor Classification using CNN and SVM Models

P Alekhya, P Muneeswar Reddy, Mondikathi Chiranjeevi,V Sateeshkrishna Dhuli

2023 IEEE 12th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT)(2023)

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The Brain is the controller of the Human system. The unusual growth and partitioning of brain cells lead to a brain tumor which is a severe disease, it’s further growth leads to Brain Cancer. The complicatedness of brain tissue demands professional technicians and skillful medical doctors to manually assess and analyze brain tumors using multiple Magnetic Resonance (MR) images with various functionalities, which are the most reliable and secure imaging method that detects every minute object. Brain tumor classification assumes a crucial part in clinical examination and viable treatment. Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in achieving accurate classification utilizing ML, DL, and neural networks. In this methodology, we plan a strategy for brain tumor characterization utilizing an element of profound features and ML classifiers. In our suggested structure, we support the idea of the SVM strategy and utilized many previously learned deep convolutional neural networks to segregate profound elements from brain MRI images. The filtered significant features are then assessed by a bunch of ML classifiers. Three important profound elements which execute well on a few ML classifiers are selected and collectively form a cluster of deep features which are then taken care of into a few ML classifiers to anticipate the outcome. To inspect the different kinds of previously designed models as ML classifiers, deep feature extractors, and the viability of clustering elements for tumor classification. We utilized 3 distinct brain MRI datasets that are directly accessible from the Kaggle. Trial results display that a group of deep features can assist with further developing execution incredibly, and much of the time, a Support Vector Machine competes with various classifiers, particularly for huge datasets.
MRI,CNN,SVM,ML,DL,Neural Networks
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