Image is First-order Norm+Linear Autoregressive


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This paper reveals that every image can be understood as a first-order norm+linear autoregressive process, referred to as FINOLA, where norm+linear denotes the use of normalization before the linear model. We demonstrate that images of size 256$\times$256 can be reconstructed from a compressed vector using autoregression up to a 16$\times$16 feature map, followed by upsampling and convolution. This discovery sheds light on the underlying partial differential equations (PDEs) governing the latent feature space. Additionally, we investigate the application of FINOLA for self-supervised learning through a simple masked prediction technique. By encoding a single unmasked quadrant block, we can autoregressively predict the surrounding masked region. Remarkably, this pre-trained representation proves effective for image classification and object detection tasks, even in lightweight networks, without requiring fine-tuning. The code will be made publicly available.
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