Sensor-based environmental impact of soil erosion in rural areas and rural revitalization in Gansu

Soft Comput.(2023)

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Today, sensor technology and microelectromechanical technology, wireless sensor networks have gradually developed as an emerging information acquisition technology. Through the application of wireless sensor networks, people can have more precise control on the location of nodes, so that the routing efficiency is greatly improved, so as to provide effective technical guarantee for the whole network. Agricultural production often faces many natural disasters, and soil erosion is an important factor affecting agricultural production. In order to better understand the impact of soil erosion on the environment of a specific location, so as to open up a new reasonable path for soil and water conservation at a specific location, this paper conducts analysis and research in the junction zone where wind erosion and water erosion occur and collects local data. Surface soils are analyzed to a certain extent through certain experiments, and the fluctuations of soil nutrients in this type of area are specifically grasped to ensure that the research in this article is carried out in a practical and effective experimental environment. Based on the overall grasp of the requirements of Gansu’s rural revitalization strategy under the new situation, this paper conducts an on-site inspection of a specific town in Gansu Province, distinguishes different development models, and at the same time, on the basis of using existing sensor technology, study the impact of soil erosion, which is a major threat to agricultural production, on production under certain circumstances, so as to clarify reasonable views on rural revitalization in the study area.
Sensor,Rural soil erosion,Environmental impact,Rural revitalization
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