3D-real-world pointing test for spatial orientation: influences of sex and cognitive impairment on the shape configuration of mental target representation

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Background Deficits in spatial memory are often early signs of neurological disorders. Here, we analyzed the geometrical configuration of 2D-projections of pointing performances to a memorized array of spatially distributed targets with respect to gender differences in healthy participants and patients with cognitive impairment. Methods 56 right-handed healthy participants (28 female, mean age 48.89 ± 19.35 years) and 22 right-handed patients with cognitive impairment (12 female, mean age 71.73 ± 7.41 years) underwent a previously validated 3D-real-world pointing test (3D-RWPT). Participants were shown a 9-dot target matrix and afterwards asked to point towards each target with closed eyes in different body positions relative to the matrix. Two-dimensional projections of these pointing vectors were then quantified using morphological analyses. Results Shape configurations in healthy volunteers largely reflected the real-world target pattern with gender-dependent differences (ANCOVA area difference male/female = 38350.43, pbonf=3.69x10− 3**). Patients with cognitive impairment showed impaired rectangularity and made more large-scale errors, resulting in decreased overall average diameters and solidity (ANCOVA diameter difference normal cognition/cognitive impairment = 31.22, pbonf=3.19x10− 3**; solidity difference = 0.07, pbonf=6.76x10− 3**). Conclusion Shape configuration analysis of the 3D-RWPT target set by morphological properties appears to be a suitable holistic measure of spatial performance, differentiating sex effects and cognitive impairment when analyzed by group- and paradigm-wise averages.
spatial orientation,mental target representation,d-real-world
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