FGAM:Fast Adversarial Malware Generation Method Based on Gradient Sign


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Malware detection models based on deep learning have been widely used, but recent research shows that deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Adversarial attacks are to deceive the deep learning model by generating adversarial samples. When adversarial attacks are performed on the malware detection model, the attacker will generate adversarial malware with the same malicious functions as the malware, and make the detection model classify it as benign software. Studying adversarial malware generation can help model designers improve the robustness of malware detection models. At present, in the work on adversarial malware generation for byte-to-image malware detection models, there are mainly problems such as large amount of injection perturbation and low generation efficiency. Therefore, this paper proposes FGAM (Fast Generate Adversarial Malware), a method for fast generating adversarial malware, which iterates perturbed bytes according to the gradient sign to enhance adversarial capability of the perturbed bytes until the adversarial malware is successfully generated. It is experimentally verified that the success rate of the adversarial malware deception model generated by FGAM is increased by about 84\% compared with existing methods.
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