Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Figures 1 through 14 from Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells Promote Neovascularization in Glioma by Disrupting the Blood–Brain Barrier


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PDF - 9162K, Supplementary Methods: Including additional materials and methods Supplementary References: Including reference cited in the supplementary methods Supplementary Figures and Legends: S1. expression of stromal PDGFRalpha in various animal models. S2. Lineage and distribution of stromal PDGFRalpha+ cells. S3. Blood vessel density and pericytes in Gl261 glioma model. S4. Knocking out PDGFRalpha suppresses infiltration of BMDCs without affecting hematopoiesis. S5. Isolation and verification of OPCs from glioma S6. Endothelial tubule formation, endothelial sprouting, and permeability with GA-OPCs and astrocytes. S7. Proliferation of glioma cells with or without activated endothelial cells S8. Microarray analysis on GFP+/F4/80+ BMDCs S9. Hematopoiesis in PDGF-C -/- mice. S10. Astrocytes and endothelial cells express PDGF-C & pro-angiogenic profile of OPCs. S11. Blood vessel staining of grade III Patients S12. Expression of PDGF-C was analyzed in REMBRANDT database. S13. the correlation of PDGF-C with paitents' survial in Mesenchymal, Neural, Pro-neural subsets of GBM. S14. The correlation of PDGF-A and PDGF-B with paitent's survial in classical subset of GBM.

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