KEST: kernel distance based efficient self-training for improving controllable text generation

IJCAI 2023(2023)

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Self-training (ST) has come to fruition in language understanding tasks by producing pseudo labels, which reduces the labeling bottleneck of language model fine-tuning. Nevertheless, in facilitating semi-supervised controllable language generation, ST faces two key challenges. First, augmented by self-generated pseudo text, generation models tend to over-exploit the previously learned text distribution, suffering from mode collapse and poor generation diversity. Second, generating pseudo text in each iteration is time-consuming, severely decelerating the training process. In this work, we propose KEST, a novel and efficient self-training framework to handle these problems. KEST utilizes a kernel-based loss, rather than standard cross entropy, to learn from the soft pseudo text produced by a shared non-autoregressive generator. We demonstrate both theoretically and empirically that KEST can benefit from more diverse pseudo text in an efficient manner, which allows not only refining and exploiting the previously fitted distribution but also enhanced exploration towards a larger potential text space, providing a guarantee of improved performance. Experiments on three controllable generation tasks demonstrate that KEST significantly improves control accuracy while maintaining comparable text fluency and generation diversity against several strong baselines.
controllable text generation,kernel distance,self-training
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