Parameterized Complexity of Equality MinCSP.


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We study the parameterized complexity of MinCSP for so-called equality languages, i.e., for finite languages over an infinite domain such as $\mathbb{N}$, where the relations are defined via first-order formulas whose only predicate is $=$. This is an important class of languages that forms the starting point of all study of infinite-domain CSPs under the commonly used approach pioneered by Bodirsky, i.e., languages defined as reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures. Moreover, MinCSP over equality languages forms a natural class of optimisation problems in its own right, covering such problems as Edge Multicut, Steiner Multicut and (under singleton expansion) Edge Multiway Cut. We classify MinCSP$(\Gamma)$ for every finite equality language $\Gamma$, under the natural parameter, as either FPT, W[1]-hard but admitting a constant-factor FPT-approximation, or not admitting a constant-factor FPT-approximation unless FPT=W[2]. In particular, we describe an FPT case that slightly generalises Multicut, and show a constant-factor FPT-approximation for Disjunctive Multicut, the generalisation of Multicut where the ``cut requests'' come as disjunctions over $d = O(1)$ individual cut requests $s_i \neq t_i$. We also consider singleton expansions of equality languages, i.e., enriching an equality language with the capability for assignment constraints $(x=i)$ for either finitely or infinitely many constants $i \in \mathbb{N}$, and fully characterize the complexity of the resulting MinCSP.
equality mincsp,parameterized complexity
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