Evolutionary Increase of the orbital Separation and Change of the Roche Lobe Size in SS433

New Astronomy(2023)

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We present results of long-term photometric monitoring of SS433 which proves a secular evolutionary increase of the orbital period of SS433 at a rate of $(1.14\pm 0.25)\times 10^{-7}$ s~s$^{-1}$. Using a physical model of non-conservative mass transfer in SS433 through a supercritical accretion disc around the compact companion, we reliably confirm that the binary mass ratio in SS433, $q=M_x/M_v$ is $\gtrsim 0.8$. For an optical star mass $M_v\sim 10 M_\odot$ the compact object in SS433 is a black hole with mass $M_{BH}\gtrsim 8 M_\odot$. We discuss evolutionary implications of the found orbital period increase in SS433 -- a secular change in the orbital separation and a size of the Roche lobe of the optical star. We show that for the mass-loss rate $dM_v/dt\sim 10^{-4}-3\times 10^{-5} M_\odot$ per year and an optical star mass $M_v \sim 10-15 M_\odot$ the found orbital period increase implies the corresponding orbital separation increase while the Roche lobe size can shrink or expand around a mean constant value depending on the optical star mass-loss rate which may be modulated with the precessional period.
Binary system,Evolution,Supercritical accretion disc,Black hole,Microqusar
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