Impact of the Operation of Distribution Systems on the Resilience Assessment of Transmission Systems under Ice Disasters


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Ice disasters, such as ice storms, can cause serious damage to power systems. To understand ice disasters' influences on power systems, this paper introduces a resilience evaluation frame for transmission and distribution systems during ice disasters. First, we built a vulnerability model for transmission and distribution systems under ice disaster weather. Then, we established an optimal load power shedding model for transmission and distribution systems. After this, according to the vulnerability model and the optimal power load power shedding model, we generated the fault scenario set of a system in the influence of an ice disaster. According to the curve of system resilience, we propose two resilience evaluation indices of transmission and distribution systems under ice disaster weather. Finally, we verified the efficacy and rationalization of the established resilience evaluation framework with an example in which a transmission and distribution system is coupled with a six-bus transmission system and two distribution systems. This study highlights the necessity of resilience assessment of transmission and distribution systems during ice disasters.
ice disaster, transmission system, distribution system, resilience evaluation, load shedding
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