Lrp5 p.Val667Met Variant Compromises Bone Mineral Density and Matrix Properties in Osteoporosis


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Early-onset osteoporosis (EOOP) has been associated with several genes, including LRP5, coding for a coreceptor in the Wnt pathway. Variants in LRP5 were also described in osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome, combining severe osteoporosis and eye abnormalities. Genomewide-association studies (GWAS) showed that LRP5 p.Val667Met (V667M) variant is associated with low bone mineral density (BMD) and increased fractures. However, despite association with a bone phenotype in humans and knockout mice, the impact of the variant in bone and eye remains to be investigated. Here, we aimed to evaluate the bone and ocular impact of the V667M variant. We recruited 11 patients carrying the V667M variant or other loss-of-function variants of LRP5 and generated an Lrp5(V667M) mutated mice. Patients had low lumbar and hip BMD Z-score and altered bone microarchitecture evaluated by HR-pQCT compared with an age-matched reference population. Murine primary osteoblasts from Lrp5(V667M) mice showed lower differentiation capacity, alkaline phosphatase activity, and mineralization capacity in vitro. Ex vivo, mRNA expression of Osx, Col1, and osteocalcin was lower in Lrp5(V667M) bones than controls (all p < 0.01). Lrp5(V667M) 3-month-old mice, compared with control (CTL) mice, had decreased BMD at the femur (p < 0.01) and lumbar spine (p < 0.01) with normal microarchitecture and bone biomarkers. However, Lrp5(V667M) mice revealed a trend toward a lower femoral and vertebral stiffness (p = 0.14) and had a lower hydroxyproline/proline ratio compared with CTL, (p = 0.01), showing altered composition and quality of the bone matrix. Finally, higher tortuosity of retinal vessels was found in the Lrp5(V667M) mice and unspecific vascular tortuosity in two patients only. In conclusion, Lrp5(V667M) variant is associated with low BMD and impaired bone matrix quality. Retinal vascularization abnormalities were observed in mice. (c) 2023 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
bone density,collagene,fracture,Lrp5,Wnt
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