Not just with the natives, but phylogenetic relationship between stages of the invasion process determines invasion success of alien plant species


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Darwin proposed two alternate hypotheses on the invasion success of alien plant species based on their close or distant phylogenetic relationship with the natives. Here we tested these hypotheses along the invasion process at large spatio-temporal scale. Using two abundance-based phylogenetic metrics for the native and alien flora of China, our study showed that invasion success of alien plant species is influenced by the phylogenetic relationship with native and alien species of different invasion stages. Phylogenetic similarity with the native species helps the alien ones to introduce and naturalize, but phylogenetic dissimilarity with the natives facilitates invasion success. The co-occurrence of invasive and naturalized aliens also formed more clustered assemblages, showed specialized responses to environmental stress, and provided temporal stability to the phylogenetic measures. The native-alien phylogenetic relationship is dynamic across spatial, environmental, and taxonomic scales. Therefore, assessing Darwin’s naturalization conundrum at different gradients of community assembly process is important. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
invasion process,invasion success,phylogenetic relationship,species
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