Comparing Measures of Perceived Challenge and Demand in Video Games: Exploring the Conceptual Dimensions of CORGIS and VGDS

CHI 2023(2023)

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Measuring perceived challenge and demand in video games is crucial as these player experiences are essential to creating enjoyable games. Two recent measures that identified seemingly distinct structures of challenge (Challenge Originating from Recent Gameplay Interaction Scale (CORGIS) - cognitive, emotional, performative, decision-making) and demand (Video Game Demand Scale (VGDS) - cognitive, emotional, controller, exertional, social) have been theorised to overlap, reflecting the five-factor demand structure. To investigate the overlap between these two scales we compared a five (complete overlap) and nine-factor (no overlap) model by surveying 1,101 players asking them to recall their last gaming experience before completing CORGIS and VGDS. After failing to confirm both models, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis. Our findings reveal seven dimensions, where the five-factor VGDS model holds alongside two additional CORGIS dimensions of performative and decision-making, ultimately providing a more holistic understanding of the concepts whilst highlighting unique aspects of each approach.
Video games, challenge, demand, player experience, questionnaires
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