TTS: A Target-based Teacher-Student Framework for Zero-Shot Stance Detection

WWW 2023(2023)

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The goal of zero-shot stance detection (ZSSD) is to identify the stance (in favor of, against, or neutral) of a text towards an unseen target in the inference stage. In this paper, we explore this problem from a novel angle by proposing a Target-based Teacher-Student learning (TTS) framework. Specifically, we first augment the training set by extracting diversified targets that are unseen during training with a keyphrase generation model. Then, we develop a teacher-student framework which effectively utilizes the augmented data. Extensive experiments show that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art ZSSD baselines on the available benchmark dataset for this task by 8.9% in macro-averaged F1. In addition, previous ZSSD requires human-annotated targets and labels during training, which may not be available in real-world applications. Therefore, we go one step further by proposing a more challenging open-world ZSSD task: identifying the stance of a text towards an unseen target without human-annotated targets and stance labels. We show that our TTS can be easily adapted to the new task. Remarkably, TTS without human-annotated targets and stance labels even significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art ZSSD baselines trained with human-annotated data. We publicly release our code 1 to facilitate future research.
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